Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Why Being A Young Dad Is Great!

Being a young dad is great. It is so much fun having children when you are young and I wanted to outline 3 reasons why I love being a young dad.
About Me
I am 23 years old and I have a 2 year old daughter and a newborn son. Ever since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to be married young and have children young. In fact it was my goal to be married by 19 and have children by 23. I was one year late getting married, but I was a year early having children (so that made up for it).
There is nothing more I love in this world than being a good dad for my children. I go out of my way to take an active role in their lives and I even work with my wife to do the house work together (though she still does the washing).
Why It Is Great Being A Young Dad
1. You have so much more energy - Being a great dad requires a great deal of energy. Sleep deprivation is going to get to you in the first few months (until bubbi starts sleeping through the night) and you will still be required to go to work and fulfill all of your regular responsibilities. Your extra energy is going to come in handy. Once your kids get bigger you will have more energy to run around with them and play games
2. You are a big kid yourself - Being a big kid yourself means that you will be able to relate to your children more than older dads. When they enter their teenage years you will be a lot closer in age and you will have a better memory of what it is like to be a teenager. You will be able to give better advice and you will become great friends.
3. When your kids leave the house you will still be young - If you have kids at 20, by the time they grow up and leave the house you will only be in your early 40's. This means you will still be young and will have enough energy to travel the world and do all the things you have dreamed of doing. You won't have to take a walker and walking cane with your on your world travels like those 65 year old parents.
Being a young dad is a huge adventure and there is nothing more significant you can do with your life than raise your children. Jump into being a dad and give it everything you have. Your kids will thank you for it and you will time of your life.

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