Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

New Year’s Resolutions

“It’s a new year,” I said to the cat as he walked into the living room.  “So it’s time for new resolutions!”
Jackson jumped on the armchair.
“And new beginnings!”
He curled up in a ball.
“And new habits!”
He yawned and fell asleep.
“Or… we can just keep doing the same old thing.”

Like a revolving ferris wheel, as each January comes around it happens: I begin the year with super intentions of becoming a smarter, fitter, more chocolate-free person.  And by the time the Super Bowl arrives, I’ve dumped my super intentions and I’m just scarfing from the candy bowl.

Well, NOT this year, my friends.  I’ve embraced 2013 with superb intentions that I will keep.  Starting today!

  1. Sleep every day.  (Done!)
  2. Eat every day.  (Done!)
  3. Exercise every day.
  4. Connect with friends.
  5. Disconnect from those who aren’t.
  6. Read a new book every month; at least. 
  7. Talk about what I read with others.  “Hey, I recently read Little Bee by Chris Cleave and thoroughly enjoyed the rich language and engrossing story.  If you have a chance, you should check it out!”  (Wow.  I’ve already accomplished three resolutions!  Why did I think this was going to be so hard?!)
  8. Continue redoing The House.
  9. Don’t cry because we still have so much to redo on The House.
  10. Tell people I appreciate them.  “Hey, I appreciate you.”  (Done!)
  11. Remember to share the good times with my family, friends and Mr. Wonderful. (Done, done, done!)
Okay, so today I only accomplished five of my 11 resolutions.  But tomorrow will be better.  And if it’s not I’ll follow the cat’s lead; just curl up in a ball and sleep away the rest of the year...  On second thought, if a feline's life isn’t a kick in the pants to practice my resolutions, I don’t know what is! 

Here’s to making and keeping new resolutions!  Cheers!

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